Staff smiling at a camp fair booth

Upcoming Camp Fairs

Please stop by the Cazadero Music Camp booth at the following camp fairs. We’d love to meet you, answer your questions and show you pictures! They’re all free to attend! San Francisco Summer Resource Fair February 22, 2025 Tri-Valley Camp Fair in San Ramon February 22, 2025 Contra Costa Camp Fair in Walnut Creek February…

Performance Videos from Summer 2024

We enjoyed a wonderful summer at Cazadero Music Camp and we already miss our campers and staff! There was so much joy, learning, and music at our beautiful campsite under the redwoods. We would like to share some of that fun with our whole community so we have prepared “Video Samplers” for each session. You’ll…

Cazadero Music Camp in the news!

KRCB and NorCal Public Media feature Cazadero Music Camp including heartwarming camper interviews. Have you heard it on air? Listen to the radio piece here: Here’s a fun article about the town of Cazadero – and we made the list! Berkeley High Jacket “The Voice of the Students” published an article about the…

Remembering Bill Lutt

We are heartbroken to share that “Bill” William Robert Lutt, age 68, passed away suddenly and unexpectedly on August 26th, 2024, while visiting family in Berkeley, California. Bill Lutt was a graduate of Berkeley High School (class of 1974), received his B.S. in Political Economics from the University of California (Cal Berkeley) in 1979 and…

Announcing Spirit Days and Dance Themes – Summer 2024!

Hello all campers! Check out the camp-wide spirit days and dance themes for summer sessions 2024!  Spirit Days are camp-wide, silly dress-up days at camp. You can pack specific clothing or just wing it and be creative with your bunk mates when you are up at camp. Dances happen every week at Caz except in the…

2024 Parent and Camper Orientation

The Cazadero Parent and Camper Orientation meeting was held via Zoom on Thursday, May 16, 2024. We recorded the whole thing! This is a presentation by the camp directors and staff to help camper families prepare for and understand Caz! You can view or listen to the meeting in English or Spanish by using this…